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Upcoming Event!
See where I have performed this year.Click here for more information.

Welcome! Thank you for taking the time to visit. This site is for YOU!

As a cantor and teacher of Jewish mindfulness meditation, I hope you enjoy listening to my latest music compositions and art creations, learn meditation and chant with me. Discover all of the spiritual/clergy services available to you. My site will help you awaken to the importance of this moment. Just “breathe” and relax, bring your total awareness to this amazing moment!  Remember this famous quote, “the last minute is history, the next minute is a mystery, but this is the gift of the present!” Give yourself this gift as many times throughout the day as you can. My site will help you do that.

I have a new video on YouTube, in memory of my mother and grandparents.

My New CD is available! Yom Tov
“One Heart (Lev Echad)” Click Here to Purchase
Click Here to Purchase



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